Our Services
ΕeMEC facilitates the transferability of best practices from the MEISTER pilot cities –and other cities leading e-Mobilityin Europe, to other European local governments. The EeMEC is a technical, legal and financial support centre. It is also conceived as a tool, which facilitates engineering and consultancy companies to offer its services to local governments in the urban planning and SUMPs process, involving the technical, legal and economic feasibility of different alternatives.
E-mobility studies & analysis
- Feasibility studies
- Analysis of charging behaviour
- Forecasting vehicle trends
- Developing e-mobility strategies
Business consultancy services
- EV business cases
- Planning of Charging infrastructure
- Operation advice
- Public and business consultation
Networking & Fundraising
- Developing partnerships
- Facilitating stakeholders
- Access to European Research Open Calls
Sharing of Best practices
- Public awareness campaigns
- Training
- Seminars, Conferences